Monday, November 30, 2015


俗話說:亡羊補牢,猶未晚矣。 但偏偏有一堆人,只愛成天漫罵那逃走的羊。 卻一直沒有去正視,那圍欄破了個比黑洞還大的缺口。 老愛從錯誤的出發點啟程,又怎能到達正確的目的地?

Sunday, November 08, 2015

[Rambling on design and so forth]

Struggle is the meat and bone of depth within fiction. Without it, actions taken by characters are just shallow facades, only seeming to be something on the outside, while lacking the interior structure of mental development for our audience to explore and make sense of.
And thus my rambling continues...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

[Rambling on design and so forth]

The breaking of immersion, is more than often brought about by disrupting the tempo of access. Just as a missed step may bring about a stumble and a fall, a sudden change in the way the audience is required to perceive a fictional piece, would most likely bring about a spike of reluctance in accepting the illusion sought to be maintained by given piece. It is even more so in the case of games, since players will have multiple elements competing for their attention, each of them somewhat in conflict with another, yet each of them something that cannot be excluded from the total experience, for all are needed to reach full understanding of the whole. And thus my rambling continues...

Sunday, October 18, 2015

[Murmuring on design and so forth]

Is it not our calling, as creators of fiction, to throw at our audience questions that would otherwise be unbearable or unthinkable, if not for the safety net of make believe. Especially in the medium of video games, where the result of action is not totally an uncompromising mandate, that the option of choice becomes a powerful tool for participants to realize the truth of their own character, if we as creators have imbued our works with said depth. Thus murmured Solus.